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            Radiator installation What are the precautions?


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            1, radiator installation safety is the first element. Usually in the summer installation of the case, the high temperature, dry climate, and the decoration of the site put a lot of decoration materials, in order to avoid high temperature caused by fire, resulting in radiator and other building materials damage, the material should be placed in the shade, heating Preferably, the sheet is suspended from the load bearing wall.

            2, from the radiator to consider the use of function, radiator installation location to a reasonable choice, the general will be placed under the window radiator, which can prevent cold radiation and cold air circulation, and the indoor temperature equilibrium and stability, will not make people feel To the hot and cold, there are uncomfortable feeling. In addition, taking into account the placement of furniture, radiator should not be placed on the heat for a long time prone to damage caused by furniture near.

            3, the installation of radiators need to first according to their number of rooms, area, heating system characteristics, choose the appropriate number of radiator, material, style and color, style and so on. Consumers need to be noted that the radiator material must be and their own district where the heating environment to match, if the heating water in the high oxygen content, it is not suitable for installation using steel radiator.

            4, the installation of radiator in the construction should pay attention to where there can not be leaking, try to keep the pipe is straight, joints should be used joints should not make the pipe elbow, or resistance is too large, affecting the normal operation of the system and heating effect.

            5, the necessary test is indispensable. Usually in the construction of the workers will be set aside in the pipeline valve, after a good stamping test to prove that there is no leaking phenomenon is passing passing.

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