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            Heating need cleaning? If the need for how to clean?


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            Radiator can do regular cleaning, but do not need too frequent.

            Note 1, before cleaning, in order to protect a certain safety, be sure to turn off all the backwater valve, and then use the wrench to the radiator side of the plug gently unscrew the hand. Here to warm prompt everyone is: when the plug gently unscrew the radiator will be out of some water, then we can use the basin of water to its corresponding rinse.

            Note 2, and then open a temperature control valve when the associated flushing, rinse out to the radiator out of the water is relatively clear, once the outflow of water compared to clean, then you can turn off the temperature control valve. The same measures on the second radiator corresponding cleaning, after cleaning the valve to open the water and carry out the relevant exhaust.

            Note 3, for different styles of radiator with different cleaning methods. There are three main types of radiator style, if the radiator is the next into the next, then open the cleaning site is the valve and the radiator live out of the associated cleaning. For the toilet to install the radiator can directly open the valve and its corresponding flushing.

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