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          1. 央視CCTV《工匠精神》入選品牌、暖氣片十大品牌——森拉特歡迎您的到來!


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            In the use of radiator problems, should be how to deal with?


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            方法二:將暖氣片進水閥門關閉 3/4,再將回水閥門關閉后,打開放氣門排氣, 有水溢出時關閉放氣門。再打開回水閥門和進水閥門。如果操作后,故障仍不能排除時,要通知維修人員。



            1, common faults: radiator as a whole is not hot. Remedy: open the radiator into the backwater valve.

            2, radiator is not hot (the valve has been opened), radiator half is not hot, radiator sound of water.

            Remedy: Heating film may have gas, to be deflated.

            Method 1: First, the radiator inlet valve closed. Open the running wind release valve exhaust, water overflow, close the vent valve.

            Method 2: the radiator inlet valve closed 3/4, and then backwater valve is closed, open the exhaust valve exhaust, close the valve when the water overflow. And then open the backwater valve and water valve. If after the operation, the breakdown still can not eliminate, must inform the maintenance personnel.

            3, common faults: radiator pipe temperature is not enough, room temperature is too low. Remedy: water temperature is low, improve the inlet temperature, the property inspection system should be.

            4, common faults: radiator into the backwater valve to the inside (near the heating direction) leakage. Remedy: Close the water valve, and quickly notify the installation team for maintenance.

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